Monday, December 10, 2007
The Great Glop Bentos
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Work Treats
The ones on the left were done in my new mini cupcake pan for bentos. They are so adorable and cute. My little sister would have adored them since she loves anything little or miniature.
Also have some dried apricots for fruit, and some cottage cheese with shredded cheese on top. I was in the mood for a more salty taste.
The angel's and bears looked really cute.
Lunch Savory Bento
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Pasta with Vegitables Bento
Hello Kitty is waving to you in the back lol.

Bento lunch consists of twisty noodle pasta with vegetables. The sauce was a buttery type sauce.
Also has the second to last handful of my yummy plump purple grapes, and some cottage cheese with raisins.
It all looked so tasty and I was so starving by lunch I inhaled it.
See the destruction left behind.....fear me oh bentos.

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Lunch & Dinner roundup
On the left we the delicious work lunch time bento. Left over corn on the cob, purple juicy grapes, sauteed porkchop, and cottage cheese with cherry pie filling on top of it.
On our right we have the delicious twin "anime night" dinner bento. With left over corn cut off the cob, edamame, porkchop, grapes, and cottage cheese with cherry pie filling in my new hippo container. (ooh its so adorable i love it) also have my cute knew silver ware with the reindeers on them. Kawai!!
Close up pictures because i get carried away with the camera and just adore snapping pictures of my food.
I really like the cottage cheese with cherry pie flavoring. The cherry pie stuff adds a sweet and tart flavor that compliments the cottage cheese really well.
It all fits so perfectly in my little bento bag. Even has room for the bottle of mixed milk and eggnog. I find it too strong for me without some milk added.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Leftover Lunch Bento's to the second power
Has corn formerly known on the cob, carrots, grapes, roast beef, and some tasty Monet crackers to eat with the beef. Yes I know I lack variety, but remember for every four days I'm eating this that's four days I'm not living off of ramen noodles like I'm used to. Makes me feel almost rich to be eating real vegi's and meat and not stuff from a can.
Bento Holiday
This incredible gift was given by my Ex-Step Father who wanted us to be able to be together for the holidays. They all came in on last Wednesday evening. There flights so spread out i spent almost the entire night at the airport. Knowing they wouldn't be getting in till 11pm I figured they would be very hungry. So I made all of of them and my friend who we were giving a ride dinner bentos. To my large surprise the bentos were a humongous hit with all of them. They were all hungry, and thought they were cute. I even brought some juice boxes to quench their thirst. They ate them in the car on the drive home (i live a ways from the airport). My mom and sisters liked theirs so much they decided they wanted to start making bentos too. Which since I let them keep each bento I gave them they now have a head start. We spent part of the weekend looking for different cute things to use as accessories for our bentos. Which my loving Uncle Car (he's like my personal daddy long legs) donated some funds to help us get some cute bento accessories.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Daring Bakers November Challenge
So this is my first challenge as a daring baker, and yes challenge it was.
We were given the recipe for a wonderful homemade potato bread.
All seasonings had to be savory, no dessert.
I decided to make one loaf, a foccaccia loaf, and some mini pizzas.
I used Yukon Gold potato's and boiled them the night before to save on time.
Yes this is the part where you all yell at the screen "no don't do that" or "what in the world were you thinking"
Apparently I wasn't thinking very well, because my plastic bowl melted. It cooked the bottom of the dough rising in the bowl, and I almost set my kitchen on fire.
So i cut off the bottom of the dough that had cooked, and put the rest back into the steel bowl it originally was mixed in.
It looked like disaster though had been averted and I continued on in spite of the melted plastic smoke in my kitchen. Above is the mini pizza's. I managed to burn the cheese on them, and peeled it off. Luckily the bread part was fine, so i just seasoned it and used them in bento's i made for my family that was coming to visit for Thanksgiving.
This is the wonderfully incredibly sticky potato dough i like the potato mushed chunks in it.
My Foccaccia bread was drizzled with an egg wash and Hazelnut oil. (I wanted to try something different) I put dried rosemary, ground salt, and Fresh chopped garlic on it. It turned out beautiful smelled good, and no one in my family would eat it. Most of it got thrown away.
My potato loaf was a bit overcooked on the top. It also didn't rise as much as I had hoped but over all was pretty good.
I was very excited about this challenge and felt like it was definitely a growing experience. I'm pretty sure though I will never ever make this recipe for potato bread again.
Which is kind of sad since I'm a very strong lover of potatoes.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Berry Delicious Pie
I put it together when I had my pumpkin pie in the oven baking. Its a very quick and easy pie to put together. I did it under thirty minutes.
Evil Evil Evil Pie!!!
1 large ready-to-use graham cracker pie crust (the small ones won't hold it all...Keebler makes a larger one)
1 cube (is that a cup?) cream cheese (I can already tell this is going to be good...)
3-4 Tbsp lemon juice
4 Tbsp granulated sugar
2 baskets of fresh strawberries, cleaned and chunked (sliced at random angles so it's chunkier rather than evenly/thinly sliced...keeps them from getting soft and soggy)
1 pint heavy whipping cream
6 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp vanilla
This is so easy... In a bowl, use an electric mixer to mix cream cheese with lemon juice and 4Tbsp granulated sugar until smooth and creamy. Spread mixture evenly on pie crust (it's cool because this also keeps the crust from falling apart so much when you serve the pie). Set aside. In a separate bowl, beat the heavy cream with the 6 Tbsp sugar and 1 tsp vanilla until it forms peaks. Mix the strawberries into the cream. Spoon this mixture into the pie crust.
EAT IT NOW!!! Okay, it's probably better to resist for a couple of hours and chill it and it will stay together better, but you could eat it now if you just can't wait! I saved a piece of this for a couple of days and it was still amazing. It didn't get all soggy and gooey.
Here is the Recipe for the Pumpkin Pie I posted for Apples & Thyme:
- ¾ cup (180g) granulated sugar
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon ground ginger
- ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
- 2 large eggs
- 1 can (15 ounces - 425g) pumpkin
- 1 can (12 fluid ounces - 350ml) evaporated milk
- 1 unbaked nine inch pie shell
- whipped cream
- NOTE: 1¾ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice may be substituted for the cinnamon, ginger, and cloves; however, the taste will be slightly different.
- Preheat oven to 425°F (210c)
- Mix sugar, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and cloves in small bowl. Beat eggs in large bowl; stir in pumpkin and sugar spice mixture. Gradually stir in evaporated milk.
- Pour into the unbaked pie shell.
- Bake at 425°F (210c) for 15 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350°F (180c) 40-50 minutes or until knife inserted near center come out clean. Cool on wire rack 2 hours.
- Let cool and serve.
- Top with whipped cream before serving.
Notes and tips
Before you bake. Make the batter ahead, if you wish, but pour it into the pie shell just before baking to keep the crust crisp.
During baking. The baking instructions start with a high oven temperature, then direct you to reduce the heat partway through baking. This is an important step which allows the crust time to crisp.
Is it done? Insert a knife near the center of the pie to test for doneness, as the center will still cook after you take the pie out of the oven.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Apples & Thyme
My mother has always been the woman in my family that I am the closest to. She was taught to cook by my great grandmother Martha Rose a stout swedish farm wife. She then taught me, and someday I hope to spend as much fun times in the kitchen with my daughters and sons as I did with my mom teaching them. We were always poor and never had much for fresh ingredients but no matter what we had my mom used her creative flair to come up with something delicious. The reason I chose pumpkin pie for my apples and thyme entry is because when I think of my mom and cooking the story of the first time she made pumpkin pie for us always comes to mind.

It was when I was quite young. We lived in the ghetto on the slightly better side of the street in a cramped little apartment that it wasn't too rare to see a roach or too. Sometimes there were break ins or we could hear gun shots down the streets. She worked two full time jobs as a single mother raising two girls and a brand new baby boy. Some of my fondest and happiest memories come from that pit hole. One weekend she decided she was going to make us a real pumpkin pie from a fresh pumpkin. None of that canned pumpkin mix. Me and my sister were really excited waiting all day and the house smelled so good with the spices and pumpkin scent.
Check out Apples & Thyme
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Dinner Pasta Bento
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Potstickers & Edamame Bentos

The bottom layer for todays lunch was a mini croissant with delicious Marionberry jam on it. I have never seen a Marionberry, but man it was very tasty jam. The flavor isn't as strong as a blackberry jam, and didn't have as many little seeds either. In a home made foil cup I have some mandarin oranges with cinnamon sugar and nutmeg sprinkled on top. For dessert a little strawberry hard candy.

In my top layer I had some chicken potstickers, and edamame. The potstickers i get in a huge bag at costco for like ten bucks. They are great when you don't want to make something from scratch. The edamame I got in a frozen package at walmart for four bucks. I love edamame and its nice to be able to choose how much salt goes on them. In the restaurants it seems like they either don't salt them at all or drown them in salt.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Eggs, hash and bento's Oh My!

The bottom tier on the nightmare box has cinnamon graham crackers (I adore these dipped in milk). With a little cup of pineapple to give me some fruity vitamins wohoo.

On the top tier to the left I have a rolled omelet made from egg whites, and has rosemary and parsley cooked into it. I sliced it into nice little strips to make easier to get with chopsticks.
On the right is corn beef hash that was cooked with some frozen peas. I put it on a tortilla and also puts some strips of tortilla on top. I would have done toast (more of a breakfast theme) but didn't have any bread.

For Wednesdays lunch I have some more of the corn beef hash and peas, as well as some tasty large curd cottage cheese and pineapple with a sprinkling of raisins. That looks so tasty to me I almost ate it right then.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Lunch bentos

Oh and the fortune cookie said I'd be having some luck financially. Here's who's hoping it comes true.