Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Leftover Lunch Bento's to the second power

So this is yesterday's lunch bento. Its leftover carrots and potato's, corn on the cob, and roast sirloin. With grapes and a candy. The corn didn't quite fit but i was able to force the lid on inspite of that. For tomorrows lunch I made something very similar. Except decided to cut the corn off the cob and save myself some trouble.

Has corn formerly known on the cob, carrots, grapes, roast beef, and some tasty Monet crackers to eat with the beef. Yes I know I lack variety, but remember for every four days I'm eating this that's four days I'm not living off of ramen noodles like I'm used to. Makes me feel almost rich to be eating real vegi's and meat and not stuff from a can.


carmachu said...

Is that roast sirlon next to the corn? I swear in the picture it looks like chopped up Bat....I swear I can see a wing.

Angel said...

Ok maybe it is a bat, but can't let the world know that I sit on the roof at night hunting them for my supper. =P

carmachu said...

Hey its much easier to catch a bat with a butterfly net....

T’s Treats said...

Variety??? omg woman, you are eating a healthy homemade meal daily. thats awesome, I could only wish to do that daily. You should be very proud, and as long as you enjoy them =)

Nora B. said...

Hi Angel,
Yes, it's all much better than ramen. I sometimes eat a similar dish for 3 days because I bring dinner leftovers for lunch. I vary it by accompanying it with a different fresh veggies.

Elle said...

Love the bento boxes full of healthy food. It really does improve health and save money to pack your own.