So for this Valentines Day I got off work and rushed home to make a romantic meal for me and my sweetheart to enjoy. As I walked in I found that he'd beaten me home. I told him I'm going into the kitchen to start making the food and am quite surprised when I see this.

This is the sweet love note he left me in a pot of gold.
Oh not just any pot of gold though....

My dream crock pot that I've been coveting for ages now, full of chocolates!
I squealed and screamed and tackled him with kisses. I was sooo surprised I couldn't believe it.
Already ideas of all the wonderful meals I can cook in it for us.
I then got to business making the stuffed acorn squash that he loves and steaming some vegi's to go with it.
Then he tells me that I need to go to the computer room. I'm thinking "oh no thats where I hid my gifts for him." I run up there hoping not to find my packages out of their hiding nook and instead find my computer chair inhabited by such a nice gift I almost didn't believe it was real.
He had gotten me a shiny new digital camera so that I can take better and more pictures for my blog.

12.1 megapixels can you freaking believe it. I'm so excited now my blog picts are going to be sooo much better, and now I want to go somewhere fun so I can take tons of pictures of us and family together!!
Oh no but it's not finished as crazy as it sounds there is even more.

Yes my friends to go with the shiny new camera is a shiny new photo printer, scanner, copier.
Are you kidding me. I feel like a princess!!!
Well after touching everything and trying out the camera we went down and had a romantic dinner, watched some anime, and had much snuggling and smooching.

I loved that as he was eating the squash he kept grunting and moaning "this is sooo good" "oh man this tastes soo good". Definitely stroked the cooking ego lol.

Dinner consisted of country sausage stuffed acorn squash, garlic toast, and steamed vegetables.
With beautiful green tinted wine goblets of strawberry sparkling cider.

It was so romantic, and cozy and wonderful. We both had such a fantastic Valentines Day.
I love any excuse for a celebration!!!
Below is David, my sweetheart. He spoils me rotten and is so kind and thoughtful. He has restored my faith in humanity as well as love. He really is my Paladin & Hero.

He came into my life when all I knew was despair. I was ready to give up on this world, and he showed me that there are still honest people, there is still chivalry, and most of all that not everyone is out just for themselves.
Thank you baby for bringing so much joy into this world.

I want to dedicate this poem to him which I read and it completely touched my soul. It was like feeling deja vu because it so described how I feel.
This poem is by Richard Watson Gilder, 1892
"I count my times by times that I meet thee;
These are my yesterdays, my morrows, noons
and nights; these my old moons and my new moons.
Slow fly the hours, or fast the hours do flee,
If thou art far from or art near to me:
If though art far, the birds' tunes are no tunes;
If thou art near, the wintry days are Junes,
Darkness is light, and sorrow cannot be.
Thou art my dream come true, and thou my dream;
The air I breathe, the world wherein I dwell;
My journey's end thou art and thou the way;
Thou art what I would be, yet only seem;
Thou art my Heaven...
My ever-living judgment day."
I wish love and joy to everyone else this year as well, and hope you all had a fantastic Valentines day.