You have all probably been wondering what's has been up.
It has been a month since I updated.
Gladly I am proud to Say I am now a Mrs.
July 12, 2008 we were married amongst friends and family.
David and I chose to have a medieval themed wedding that was more informal and fun.
I present Angel & David bride and groom relaxing after the ceremony.

The dress was my dream dress (I especially adore the puff sleeves!) which my very talented step mother made for me. Davids green tunic was also made by her and all of my bridesmaid dresses. She is a very talented seamstress who you can check out her website at
The Flower Girl Shoppe If you are interested in wedding dress, bridesmaid or mens tunics, Halloween costumes she is great at them all. You just email her from the website and ask about it. The website only shows her cute dresses for little girls at the moment.
Also his mother found my perfect bouquet which was British garlands of flowers in a beautiful silver posy holder.
Below is me standing with my bridesmaids. My two younger sisters and adopted older sister.
There dresses were so gorgeous I think my step mom really outdid herself!
The site we had it at had a big stone castle theater.
The wedding looked and felt just like a little rennfaire. The musicians was this amazing group called Idlewild who came in costume and performed lovely renaissance music.
They even were so kind to give us two of their albums as wedding presents to remember the day by. Our caterers were also in costume and provided giant turkey legs and home made drinks.
Felt like a barbarian king eating their feast. We had so much left over that my mother took it to a homeless shelter after the wedding so we could share our bounty with those in need.

As you can see David looks like Oberon and is quite handsome. My sister Seanna made his leaf garland, and did my hair for the wedding. My good friend Charlotte and her mother made my veil by hand. It was the most magical day of my life in the perfect setting with the most wonderful man I have ever known.

David is prepared to fight off any bandits that might try to steal his bride away teehee.
Then of course we had the bouquet toss, which my nephews mother caught.
She definitely deserves to be the next one happily married!

This is me standing with my Mother and Father.
My dad's tunic and my moms outfit were made by my step mom.
Who while this picture was being taken was off playing with the plethora of grandsons.

My sister Jennifer who not only drove all the way from California to Utah for the wedding while very pregnant, and came in a beautiful velvet costume also went above and beyond by making my wedding cake. It is not only a beautiful castle but it was the most delicious white cake with raspberry filling that I had ever tasted. Thank you soooo much Jenny!

My father and David having a friendly sword fight out front of the castle.
Dad was nice to bring one of his extra swords for us to use, and then as a surprise gave it to David as a gift after the wedding.

We then had our honeymoon in sunny southern california at Disney Land.
This last month has been so busy but wonderful. I feel so blessed right now.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the day so beautiful and those that traveled such a long ways to be with us for our special wedding festival!